One of the world’s largest manufacturers wanted to improve the efficiency and to limit the waste of materials in its huge fleet of CNC machines. They turned to Neuron Soundware SE (NSW) to provide them with a custom-made solution that could assist them to reach their ambitious goal.
The NSW solution is based on utilising edge AI and software platform to enable faster and better decision making. Ultra-high frequency acoustic signatures are collected in real time and in situ so that timely actions can be taken as and when necessary. The system requires minimum interference with the operation and setup of the machines, and can be integrated with a wide variety of instruments. The system also offers flexibility so that its AI can be trained to address different application needs.
The NSW solution can be described as a CNC intelligent engine for real-time awareness, and instant notification and rectification of potential upcoming problems and failures. These can be detected in the early stages before they have reached critical levels. The positive impact of eliminating unscheduled downtimes, maximizing utilization of machine tools, reducing material wastage, energy savings, lower operational and maintenance costs, and improvement in overall productivity, are some of the immediate benefits that impact on the customer’s bottom line.
(Under the terms of the NDA with the client and sensitivity of the technology involved, NSW is not allowed to disclose the name of the client or describe the solution in greater detail. We will provide more information as soon as we are permitted to do so).